Wednesday, August 10, 2011

If I were to be the first step and first leader in the process, could a resurge of clical music occur?

I grew up listening to the Christian genre, and later found myself listening more to oldies music more than anything. About three years ago I somehow began enjoying movie scores and over time that was all I listened to. Well after a while I began thinking about how much I loved those scores because of the orchestrations involved and wondered if I would enjoy clical music then. Now at the time I was like most stereotypical teenage kids with the belief that clical music was this boring, long drawn out, meditation music, so I debated it for a while, but ultimately decided to give it a try. I used this free search engine we had at our house where we could listen to files other people chose to share through the engine and searched the only composer I knew the name or, Beethoven. I downloaded one track from each of his nine symphonies, and because I had no prior knowledge of clical music I didn't know there were different movements so I thought what I downloaded was the complete symphony. Although I enjoyed about three of them, the others just didn't interest me all that much. They were just like what I thought, boring. I almost gave up but later read that Mozart was who Beethoven learned a lot from and admired most so I tried his name and that was how I got interested in clical music. I found the Great G minor symphony and I absolutely loved it!!! As I listened more and more to Mozart I then discovered the structure of the movements of different works and such. I discovered Haydn and many other composers and soon found that clical music was all I was listening to!!! My appreciation for music dramatically matured and I eventually listened to those original downloads of Beethoven I had and now loved them!! (And yes I did download the whole symphonies.) I loved this art so much!!! It was all I thought about all day everyday!! I wanted to go further into this kind of music but I didn't play an instrument and couldn't afford an instrument anyways. I could only think of one thing to do, attempt to self teach myself the basics of music theory and attempt to compose. With help from the internet and adult friends who were well versed in music I quickly caught on and have written a few pieces. I know about key signatures, time signatures, dynamics, transposing instruments, instrument ranges, tempos, different forms (like sonata form), modulations, and many other things! I write music the old fashioned way on paper instead of using a software, but my adult friend at my Church plugs it into his Sibelius software for me so I can get a recording of it. My Youth Minister has his Masters in Composition so I let him listen to them and he's told me that he believes I have a little bit of prodigy in me. I'm currently working on a piece to enter into a competition for the Austin Symphony Orchestra. It's my first piece to compose for a full orchestra and use poly-rhythm. I'm hoping that maybe winning a few competitions like this will maybe at least help me get into college so I may major in composition, but first I have to win them. I've just never been this overwhelmed with so much emotion before!!!! God is first in my life, then friends and family, and then music. I know that many people don't believe that classical music will never have a comeback, and I admit that it will probably never be like what it was during the life of the composers back then, but I do believe that if enough people are willing to put forth effort that we can bring the music that started it all back to life!!! I know I'll never be near as good as Beethoven, Mozart, etc., but this music has left such major impact on my life and I someday want to leave that same impact on somebody else's life!! My family doesn't like classical music at all, and it's really discouraging, so that's why I'm curious to know from people who do enjoy and understand it, do you believe that we could bring it back if people like me make the first step, or this just a dream that's out of reach?

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